
Our COVID-19 Protocol

Dear friends and congregation,
We are very thankful that churches in Minnesota have been given the option to have in-person services on Sundays. However, for the sake of safety and stopping the spread of COVID-19, we have taken the appropriate actions suggested for communities of faith from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Read all guidelines here. 
Our actions taken to stop the spread of COVID-19:
  • We encourage high-risk people to stay home
  • We encourage anyone who feels ill to stay home
  • We have made our messages available online
  • We encourage the wearing of masks over mouth and nose while inside the building
  • We have put the offering plate in the back of the building so that it is not passed around during the service, to limit social contact
  • We promote social distancing at services and other gatherings, ensuring that staff, choir, volunteers and attendees at the services follow social distancing, as circumstances and faith traditions allow, to lessen their risk
  • We have increased  cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces in the building
  • We have made sure that proper ventilation is used in the building
  • We have posted signs throughout the building promoting everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs
We ask that you please respect our guidelines while visiting The Country Church:
  • If you are feeling ill, please stay home.
  • If you are at high-risk, please stay home.
  • Please wash your hands often, cover your coughs and sneezes
  • Please wear a mask while you are inside the building
  • Please social distance as much as possible and limit social contact
As we navigate this together, we are grateful for the technology that allows us to gather virtually every week with our online messages, posted every Sunday morning at 10 am. We have a lot of reasons for hope! Even in the midst of this pandemic, we are very encouraged by all that God is doing around the world to grow His church.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Country Church of Ruthton board and Pastor Frank Vanderbush